Monday, October 02, 2006

A few things about Manila

I am currently in Balic Balic, a slum in Manila. Here are a few things worth listing:

9 hours slept on our flight from LA

13.5 total hours of flight

10 hour time difference between Manila and Colorado

3 stories in the house I am staying in

2 bucket showers per day is the norm for Balic Balic

100% humidity, my guess anyhow

6 SP staff in my group, 4 from Lincoln Heights team, 1 from Thailand team and me

5.5 weeks we will be in Balic Balic

$2 the cost of my dinner tonight


Chrissie en Ciudad México said...

yay! i am so glad you made it having slept 9.5 hours. you are missed here but god has good things in store for you in balic balic. eat some chow king for blows jollibee out of the water. i'll be praying for you and your team.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your wonderful little post! It's good to hear your written voice. I miss you so much! And yes, Chow King - get it soon. It'll be your Filipino food lifesaver. We are thinking of you so much here in Pomona, missing you in little apartment. I hope that God is showing you more of his goodness and that you are strengthened by God's power to transform the slums of the world. I love you!