Tuesday, October 30, 2007

In your hands

In this photo, I wanted to bring up the idea of value, meaning and ownership of money. What is the value of twenty dollars to a North American? What is the value of twenty dollars to a single mother in my neighborhood in Honduras? What is the difference between twenty dollars in the world and twenty dollars in God’s economy? When we open ourselves to these questions, God begins to transform our understanding and value of money. We gain new and unique opportunities to bring forth the Kingdom. I think another aspect of this photo is whether or not the girls in the picture are giving or receiving.

I am working on a photo project for a church in Austin, TX. They are doing a stewardship campaign and some of the themes are imagination and joyful giving.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Hey Anna! My email is eileenpatricia1983 (at) yahoo.com... I've been cutting back from the blog sphere (as I used to check obsessively - and mostly while at work! which is no good)... but I would love to keep in touch - do you have an email update or anything? Feel free to add me to the list...