Tuesday, September 30, 2008

sign of the times

A quick translation of parts of an article from Monday's El Heraldo, a Honduran newspaper.

Cost of life increases 6, 492 Lempiras
*L. 6,492 = $343.67 The price of the basic food basket has increased by 2,068 Lempiras in 28 months
*L. 2,068 = $109.48

"Living in Honduras becomes more expensive everyday. The cost of basic, vital necessities has seen an accelerated growth in the last 28 months. According to data from the Secretary of Labor and the Central Bank of Honduras, the cost of life for a month for a family of 5 has gone from L. 12,763.80 ($675.70) (January of 2006) to L.19,256.15 ($1,019.38) (August of 2008). This is an increase of L. 6,492.35 ($343.70) or 50.86%.

The price of the basic food basket (the food needed to feed a family of 5 for a month) has inceased as well. Over a span of 28 months, it has increased by $109.48. The National Institute of Statistics estimates that in Honduras there are more than 500,000 people living at less than minimum wage (L. 3,430 or $181.57 a month). That means the entire salary of a minimum wage worker covers only 56% of the cost of the basic food basket."

Desparate, suffering, survival.... words that come to mind. Praying for Honduras and for our world. Below is are some pieces I did to talk about the theme of basic needs and loving the least.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I am...

I was inspired to write an I Am poem, something I learned in my children's literature class, as a way of sharing about our new life in Santa Lucia. Enjoy

I am by Anna de Jiménez
I am the last little green house at the end of the road,
I am coffee and plantains and tortillas,
I am planning menus and learning to make beans.
I am using our new washing machine and hanging laundry on the covered porch with a view.
I am the sound of school children across the street, practicing for a parade.
I am Skype calls to home.
I am washing dishes, ironing, baking and cleaning.
I am foggy mornings, quiet nights and green gardens.
I am the constant fan in the bedroom, keeping the closet from getting moldy.
I am birds of paradise, guayabas and limes.
I am tile floors, hammocks and a little plastic dinning table for two.
I am quiet times in the red chair on the porch.
I am commuting a two hour, three bus adventure to the office.
I am Santa Lucia, cobblestone streets, the little Catholic church and friendly neighbors.
I am away from the aggressiveness of the city, the traffic and the noise.
I am away from my dear neighbors, old friends and family.
I am learning to be a wife, I am new habits and a new family.
I am a new church, a small group and friends.
I am walks to the soccer field, playing, frisbee and futbol.
I am Honduras, Colorado, Nueva Suyapa, Allenspark, Boulder, and Santa Lucia.
I am Strom and I am de Jiménez.
I am speaking Spanish, Spanglish and English.
I am hurting for Honduras, violence and desperation.
I am trust, peace, joy and hope.

The Married Life

Well, to break our internet silence, here is a quick update:

1. We passed the one-month of being married mark! Yipee!
2. Guillermo officially starts work at World Vision today (I'm working from home today, still need to do dishes from an early-morning-happy-first-day-of-work-breakfast).
3. We live in Santa Lucia, a quaint pueblo 11 km outside of the city.
4. I still have the same job with Servant Partners, I work some from home and some at my office in Nueva Suyapa.