Saturday, July 22, 2006

A weekend away

weekend mosaic
Originally uploaded by annajstrom.
I had the great fortune to take a couple days away with the girls in my small group (Bible study). We went to Glenwood Springs for the day and night on Friday and then spent the day hiking in Aspen before coming back.

Thanks for a great weekend girls!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

What do we need to get the job done?

This: is a great devtional based on Ephesians about God equiping and sending us into the world. A few of my highlights from the devotion:

"Jesus’ Great Commission to disciple the nations is a daunting, even impossible, task apart from the promise of his presence and his supernatural equipping. As so often is the case, God accomplishes his purposes through human agents. You wonder why he should slow himself down so much – except that he loves us intensely and welcomes our participation in the adventure closest to his heart."

Impossible task.... daunting... yes, this is how I feel. Supernatural equipping, yes this seems like the only possibility between here and there. An adventure close to God's heart, that is where I am trusting that I am.

"Observing the growing church today, particularly in Latin America, Africa and Asia it would seem that there are enough witnesses and evangelists in each continent to share the good news. What are sorely lacking are people to disciple all the new followers of Jesus. Church leaders in these places are crying out for more God-gifted trainers of pastors-teachers."

This is pretty much what my team's work is about in Honduras. God-gifted trainers of pastor-teachers? I don't know. Willing to walk alongside? Yes. Willing to share all that we've learned and experienced, the good and the bad? Yes. Willing to walk into this new era of missions as equal and unique partners? Yes.

"When all these gifts are being exercised freely in any group of believers, they will naturally be doing good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Eph. 2: 10)."

The exercising of God's gifts in different areas of the global Body of Christ is one thing I'm really excited about seeing.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Americans in Honduras

I always have a link on my blog for Honduras News in English. It is a link to Honduras News Onilne. I was reading through today and noticed how many of the articles had to do with relations between US and Honduras. The first article about modernization featured this picture:

I'm pretty sure this is near the airport. Sad that so many places outside of the US can look just like the US.

Another article, titled "Latin lifestyle and volunteer work bringing Americans to Honduras" made me think of well, myself. Besides being factual and an advertisement for US investors and small business owners to come to Honduras, the article also sadened me. Here is a short excerpt:

"One such place is D&D brewery. Located near Lake Yojoa and Pullapanzak waterfalls, it is owned by Robert Dale, originally from Oregon. It is in the middle of a small expat community, all attracted by the surrounding natural beauty. The brewery, which also provides accommodation, has been running for six years, and is immensely popular, despite its obscure location. Dale, like most other expats, was attracted by the good weather and stress-free lifestyle. He set up the brewery to provide good quality beer, with flavors like mango and apricot, which he missed when visiting Honduras. He bought the land about 10 years ago, then once he had residency, a container was shipped over with everything he needed for the brewery. Dale's only regret is not coming sooner.

He believes that in Honduras it is easier to achieve the 'American dream'. His business, as with many other small businesses, has thrived, whereas in America it would have failed due to rivalry from big business. Small businesses also create jobs, which is helping integrate Americans and Hondurans, and supporting local communities."

By all means, let's bring the American Dream to Central America where it is easier to reach because of less economic competition!

I hope to bring something else with me to Honduras.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

sepia after the rain

sepia after the rain
Originally uploaded by annajstrom.
I took this picture of the flowers in the crock on my parent's deck. It had just rained.